Kazuo Ohno is still alive. In fact he is 103 years old.
Kazuo Ohno sees with the soles of his feet.
Kazuo Ohno penetrates layer after layer of himself
Kazuo Ohno says : “an authentic expression only emerges when body and soul reach crisis point”
Kazuo Ohno says : “ dance projects the body’s voice”
Kazuo Ohno says : " by tightly chocking the vocal chords with the back, the body’s voice becomes audible”
Kazuo Ohno says : “ don’t look with the eyes”
Kazuo Ohno says : “ listen to the music with your heart and soul”
Kazuo Ohno says : “ I was neither a man nor a woman before birth”
Kazuo Ohno says : “ Perhaps the stage itself is a womb”
Kazuo Ohno says : “ No matter how fiercely the wind roars remain calm"
Kazuo Ohno says : “ Your every movement, regardless of how small, carries huge consequences"
Kazuo Ohno is in a wheel-chair
Kazuo Ohno still dances with his fingers
Kazuo Ohno will live forever.