Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
On John Barrymore's Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde (1921)
“His imagination afire with this new idea, and his whole being mastered by the exploring passion of the scientist, Jekyll spent days and nights in his laboratory.”
The scene is set for the transformation of John Barrymore from the kind and considerate Dr Jekyll to the ghastly and bestial Mr Hyde. In 1921, when the film was shot at Paramount's Long Island studio in New York, Barrymore was also appearing on stage in the evenings as Shakespeare’s Richard III. One can only imagine Barrymore's King Richard with a slight explosive pinch of Mr Hyde in the mix. No wonder Barrymore collapsed from nervous exhaustion at the time and was taken to the White Plains sanatorium.
So when Dr Jekyll pours the last ingredient into the glass, there is apprehension and a moment of fear. The doctor has second thoughts. He leaves the glass on the table and steps back. But like a magnet, the glass is drawing him back. He wants to know. He wants to prove them wrong. The scientist takes over and clenching his fist he drinks the potion in one go. The effects are immediate. The liquid burns through his throat and he starts to twist and shake from violent convulsions and spasms. His face, up to now hidden in his hands, slowly emerges and you see the change. The whiteness, the stare, the rigidity. His face is turning into a japanese demon mask. The eyes seem frozen on something beyond and the hands are twisted. Then the camera zooms into one hand resting on a book. We witness its gradual transformation into an elongated skeletal hand with nails like claws. Dr Jekyll, or the creature he has become, looks at this hand and at that point there is a moment of reflection. It's a moment that fills him with horror followed by a feeling of power and elation in view of the absolute freedom to indulge in every imaginable vice and crime with no regard for the consequences. He heads for the door unlocking this new world of forbidden experience. A kind of "Zone Libre". The dark world of Mr Hyde. The scene is set for the transformation of John Barrymore from the kind and considerate Dr Jekyll to the ghastly and bestial Mr Hyde. In 1921, when the film was shot at Paramount's Long Island studio in New York, Barrymore was also appearing on stage in the evenings as Shakespeare’s Richard III. One can only imagine Barrymore's King Richard with a slight explosive pinch of Mr Hyde in the mix. No wonder Barrymore collapsed from nervous exhaustion at the time and was taken to the White Plains sanatorium.
Now Robert Louis Stevenson mentioned the first name of Mr Hyde as being Edward in his 1886 novella "Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde". But some pertain that "Jack" would be a more suitable name. Not least because two years later some strange chap started committing hideous murders in London and called himself Jack the Ripper. Jack the Ripper seemed also to have an alter ego and most agree that he could have been a doctor.
So from the dark Whitechapel alleys of 1888 to Paramount's Long Island Studio in 1921 where John Barrymore is having a well needed rest in between takes for the new silent film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde". He sits reading what he has to do for the next scene. From where he will enter, where the camera will be standing, when to look into the light and so on. But he has trouble concentrating. King Richard the III's words are still buzzing in his head:
"I cannot tell: the world is grown so bad,
That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch:
Since every Jack became a gentleman,
There's many a gentle person made a Jack."
It's suddenly all too much for him and exhausted he sees the lights go out one by one. He cannot resist this welcoming, irresistible darkness and faints. Cut.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Ένας δίκαιος μέσα στις πόλεις του χαμού
Ένα απόσπασμα από το βιβλίο του Χρήστου Μαλεβίτση “Οι Παράκτιοι άνθρωποι”, εκδόσεις Ευθύνη, 2002:
"... Τώρα κλαίνε μόνο τα παιδιά. Άλλοτε κλαίγανε και οι ομηρικοί ήρωες. Αλήθεια, πότε κλαίει κανείς; Κλαίει όταν υπάρχει ένα μέγα κέρδος ή μια μεγάλη απώλεια. Και τι θα πει μεγάλο κέρδος ή μεγάλη απώλεια; Θα πει πως δίνεις υπέρτατη αξία σε ορισμένα συμβάντα. Και τι θα πει δίνεις υπέρτατη αξία; Θα πει πως από αυτά εξαρτάς τη μοίρα σου, την ίδια σου την αξία, που κινδυνεύει να εκπέσει σε απαξία, σε τίποτα. Άρα για να δώσεις αξία σε ορισμένα συμβάντα, πρέπει να νιώθεις σίγουρος. Και δεν νιώθεις σίγουρος, μόνο όταν βρίσκεσαι στην ακρογιαλιά. Όταν αντιμετωπίζεις τον επίφοβο ωκεανό. Κλαίνε οι παράκτιοι. Οι ηπειρωτικοί δεν κλαίνε. Αλλά αυτό θα πει πως ο ηπειρωτικός κόσμος, ο κόσμος της σιγουριάς δεν έχει αξίες. Τις αξίες της ζωής τις τρυγάς από τις ακρώρειες των αβύσσων. Με τον έσχατο κίνδυνο. Είναι το κέρδος από τον κίνδυνο της έσχατης απώλειας. Μόνο άνθρωποι που κινδύνεψαν έδωσαν αξίες στον κόσμο. Αξία είναι η κερδισμένη απώλεια, τη στιγμή του κέρδους, όχι κατόπιν. Η ελευθερία, π.χ. είναι αξία τη στιγμή που την αποκτάς από τον θάνατο. Η ελευθερία υπάρχει μόνο ως ¨Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος¨. Μόνη ελευθερία δεν νοήται. Γι΄αυτό και η ελευθερία στις σύγχρονες κοινωνίες κινδυνεύει, διότι είναι ελευθερία κληρονομημένη, είναι ελευθερία της σιγουριάς, της ενδοχώρας. Της χώρας όπου εξέλειψαν οι αξίες. Οι αξίες ανταλάσσονται με την απώλεια. Στην ενδοχώρα οι αξίες ανταλλάσσονται πάλι με αξίες. Αλλά αυτό μπορεί να συμβεί μόνο με οικονομικές αξίες. Δηλαδή οι αξίες της ενδοχώρας ανταλλάσσονται με χρήμα. Και ο έρωτας. Και όλοι οι έρωτες. Υπαρχει μια γενική εξίσωση. Όλα ανταλλάσσονται. Δεν νοήται απώλεια. Αλλά ούτε και κέρδος. Οι σύγχρονοι ηπειρώτες ανταλλάσσουν ασμένως την ελευθερία τους με υλικά αγαθά. Εξισώνουν την ελευθερία τους με τόσο τοις εκατό αύξηση του βιοτικού επιπέδου τους. Το συμβόλαιο της ανταλλαγής λέγεται “σκοπιμότητα”. Σκοπιμότητα δε θα πει σκοπός. Θα πει μετάθεση του σκοπού στο μέλλον. Θα πει δρόμος προς έναν μελλοντικό σκοπό. Τούτο θα πει πως οι άνθρωποι δεν ζουν άμεσα αλλά έμμεσα. Το παρόν είναι το μέσον. Δηλαδή ζουν το εκάστοτε παρόν προσωρινά. Αυτή η “προσωρινοποίηση” της ζωής, είναι ο μέγιστος ευνουχισμός της. Σημάινει πως η ζωή απεκδύθη την αμεσότητα της, και συμμορφώθηκε με τον εξωτερικό φυσικό χρόνο, τον μαθηματικά ισομερή, ομοιόμορφο και γραμμικό χρόνο. Δεν ζει το έσχατο κάθε στιγμή, αλλά έθεσε το έσχατο στην εσχατιά του φυσικού χρόνου, που ποτέ δεν έρχεται. Και η πλήρωση έγινε οριστικά ανεκπλήρωτη. Διότι ο φυσικός χρόνος δεν έχει πλήρωση, δεν έχει τέρμα. Η πλήρωση, που είναι η ύψιστη ολοκλήρωση, η ύψιστη αλήθεια, αφ΄ης έγινε ανεκπλήρωτη, μετατράπη σε ψεύδος. Αυτή είναι η ολοκληρωτική παράδοση στην επιπέδωση της ενδοχώρας, η πλήρης εξωτερικοποίηση...”
Δημοσιεύτηκε για πρώτη φορά στο τεύχος 339 του περιοδικού “Ευθύνη”
Sunday, November 11, 2012
An Imaginary Recollection of The Country, Bluegrass and Blues Music Club and Other Music For Uplifting Gormandizers
When? Sometime in the 70s. Where? 315 is the street number, you'll see the tent.“1-2-3-4”... That hectic voice comes straight from the bowels of the Bowery and it’s breathlessly followed by a sonic wave of guitar distortion. It's frantic, direct and essential. It resonates, crackles, pops and tears you apart. Out of the cerial box then, (what did you say was the name of that band on the plywood stage? ... Never seen them before, but Hilly said they were good. I think he said they were called the... the Ramones) you follow that filthy sound bouncing off the walls. Those demented Pollock painted kind of walls where the smoke and the filth have cemented together layer upon layer of posters and stickers. Hey Ho, Let’s go! The music is coming down like raw sledgehammers. You can almost ignite from the energy. What band did you come to see? Hey, watch that beer on the cable asshole. Oh, man the stink... This whole place smells of piss and vomit. But when the band play, you forget. When you are deaf it seems you lose a few olfactory neurons as well... You even contribute your share of stink and sweat to that of a couple of hundred bodies jumping up and down. Or were they just fifteen? Rough. Was that Patti and Tom kissing in the toilets? Did you see the toilet? It’s graffiti infested man, even on the soap. But marijuana is a good deodorant. It’s dark in there and it’s damp. Oh yeah, this whole place is a dump. Nobody is going to pack it in early tonight. I don’t care. The Bar is serving Joey’s favorite Bud light. What are you having Deb? Let’s go out man it’s getting stuffy in here. Out to that Extra place, that’s the wall on the record... Knock, knock who’s there? Zat you Patty? Yes Mr Burroughs... Come on in. I want ideas not quality. In chaos I’ve found the elixir of eternal youth. You are bleeding from the nose. Let’s find the rough diamonds in the primitive mine. Self expression not amusement. Derelict, lost souls, maybe... but not dead, man. Hilly what did you say to the health inspector who came around asking? Told him the ruts were playing next Sunday matinée. Television, who the hell are Television? Hell is the name, Richard Hell, and what’s your name sweetheart? I work here. A poet and horses. It’s 5.00 in the morning and we are closing down. I am a Sonic Reducer, aint’ no loser still ringing in my ears. And it was free. Free money, free time. All the time to dream and grow up. All the time in the world.

Dammit. Time has gone by while you were waiting for things to happen. Flushed down the drain. Expecting something to happen. But nothing ever happens... Then again, there was a time and a place and some things did happen there. Was it original sin or original love? Don’t know my friend but it certainly was original.
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